Presentations & Interventions
Temporal Wanderings – Tactics for an Embodied Methodology
Presenter: “Temporal Wanderings – Tactics for an Embodied Methodology” with Dr. Laura Denning, in Phenomenal Time: Perceiving Ecological Temporalities, an Edinburgh Environmental Humanities Network Seminar Series, November 2021.
Wet Ontologies
Presenter: “Wet Ontologies”. Multiple Ecologies, Diverse Ontologies, Artistic Research Symposium for PhD Students, 27-28 September 2021.
Wet Ontologies
Presenter: “Wet Ontologies”. Collaborative video on Eco-Pedagogies with Dr. Laura Denning, Annual Conference of the Royal Geographic Society with IBG, 2 September 2021.
Partnership Accelerator
Interventionist: Partnership Accelerator / SDG Collaborations, Govt. of Karnataka & IETO, February 2021.
The Design After
Presenter: “The Design After” Cumulus Bogota 2019 Conference, Bogota, Colombia, 30 Oct.-1 Nov. 2019.
India Resilience Summit 2019
Speaker/Moderator: India Resilience Summit 2019, Hyderabad, organized by IETO. 30-31 August 2019.
Interventionist/Participant: Future Cities 2040 Policy Lab, Goa, hosted by Tandem Research. 2-3 August 2019.
Webinar: “Design Thinking for Conservation Futures”. 17 January 2019.
COP14 UN Conference on Biodiversity
Presenter, Side Event: COP14 UN Conference on Biodiversity, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt. 21 November 2018.
Interventionist: Nature Culture Summit, COP14 UN Conference on Biodiversity, Egypt. 22-24 November 2018.
Urban Ecology
Panelist: “Urban Ecology”, Current Conservation Conversations, Bangalore, India. 18 February 2018.
Drainage Imagination vs. Threshold Imagination
Conference Presenter: “Drainage Imagination vs. Threshold Imagination”, Beyond Nature|Culture Artifice, INSULA III Colloquium, Madeira, Portugal. 8-12 November 2017.
Speaker: “Design – the Seen and the Unseen”, RAD Studio, Human Factors International, Mumbai, India. September 2017.
Rethinking Research & Design Practices in the Face of Rapid Urbanization
Seminar Speaker & Moderator: “Rethinking Research & Design Practices in the Face of Rapid Urbanization”, University of Pennsylvania, USA. 22 May 2017.
Department of City Planning, University of Pennsylvania
Guest Lecture: Department of City Planning, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA. 12 April 2017.
Nature without Environmentalism: Design Inquiry towards Reimaging the Western Ghats
Conference Presenter: “Nature without Environmentalism: Design Inquiry towards Reimaging the Western Ghats.” ENTITLE Conference – Undisciplined Environments, Stockholm, Sweden. 20-23 March 2016.
Design Imagination – from Innovation to Invention
TEDx Speaker: “Design Imagination – from Innovation to Invention” – TEDxNMIMS, Bangalore, India. 28 February 2015.
Design Conversations
Speaker: “Design Conversations”, Gensler Office, Bangalore, India. 3 October 2013.
Negotiating Hidden Terrains
Speaker & Moderator: “Negotiating Hidden Terrains”, 1-day Symposium, DEL Laboratory, Bangalore, India. 26 April 2013.
Beyond Sustainability: Interdisciplinary Design for Resilience
Keynote Speaker: “Beyond Sustainability: Interdisciplinary Design for Resilience”, International Symposium on Sustainable Design III, Recife, Brazil. September 2011.
Sustainability NOW!
Conference Committee/Advisory Board/Paper Review Panel, “Sustainability NOW!” LeNS Conference, Bangalore, India. October 2010.